Maddy - She is the typical oldest child. She's so responsible. We can always count on her to tell us when the little ones are up to something. She is definitely going "teenager" on us. There is a funny story about her getting ready in the bathroom and if I remembered it I'd tell you but ....nope. Don't remember. (I'm famous for not remembering the ending to stories, jokes, etc. etc. Good story huh?)
Jack is the intellectual, always thinking things through. He has also inherited the gift of gab from someone. I won't say who, but her name may start with a J and end with -essica. That's alright, we'll have some good conversations in the coming years.
Kate- She's been known to go by "Katezilla" if that says anything. She definitely has the spirit to stand up to 3 older siblings and she will probably get away with anything she wants with those brown eyes (at least from her Aunt!)
And here is the whole family....